HOD's Welcome Note
You are heartily welcome to the Department of Estate Management. A Department dedicated to teaching, learning, research and professionalism. As a professional course, the Department prepares her student beyond the academic exercise in classroom and equip them to face greater practical challenges bordering on real estate issues in the society. Indisputably, everything existing hinges on land and that explains the very essence of the course as no venture, business or enterprise can exist outside land. Land has gone beyond the physical hard crust of the earth surface to include all natural appurtenances permanently attached to it. This is why modern day real estate practitioners are also concerned with "judicious" use of the atmosphere, lithosphere and hydrosphere amongst others.
Apart from the natural permanent appurtenance affixed to the physical hard crust of the earth surface, any man made attachment permanently affixed to it comes under the purview of real estate. In addition, all other items that can be owned, moveable and immovable are covered under the discipline. Little wonder the relevance of the course, Estate Management in every sphere of life. These ranges from the public sector as seen in the ministries, parastatals and other DMA’s to the private sector such as in the financial institutions like the banks, insurance companies and privately owned estate surveying and valuation firms and even in the oil and gas sector to mention a few. The academia is not also left out, where cutting-edge researches are being undertaken. Hence, the import of this discipline cannot be over emphasized.
From the foregoing it is pertinent to state that students opting to have a career in Estate Management are actually in a good place. This is because the employment rate of graduates in this discipline are quite high considering the fact that they are needed virtually everywhere. More so, graduates from the Department have done the Department proud. This has been evidenced by good reports received from the industry of graduates from the discipline across the globe. Also, the course gives her graduates good pedestal to vacillate for higher degrees in the field of construction, management, finance, economics, legal administration of land amongst others. These laudable exposure/achievements which the discipline offers her students has placed the course as one of the highly lucrative profession not only in Nigeria but also around the world. Infact, when individuals who control the economy are mentioned they are either practitioners in real estate or those that transact in it. It is based on this premise that I welcome all intending stakeholders particularly those that want to build up a ceareer in this enviable profeesion. On behalf of the faculty, staff and students of the Department, I welcome you on board and ask that we all together sustain the future of this profession which is hinged on trust and dedication.