The Department of Estate Management offers a Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) Honours Degree in Estate Management. The Department was established at Covenant University’s inception in 2002 because the founding fathers of the University realized that first; a developing country like Nigeria needs estate surveyors and valuers to assist in providing, managing and carrying out improvements on buildings and infrastructure on one hand, expanding urban property markets on the other hand. Second; only few Universities in Nigeria offer Estate Management Programme while majority of graduates of Estate Management are mainly interested in the practice. Third, there is the need to create an atmosphere for the development of the total man, via the vehicle of education and strenghtened mental productivity to produce new generation of leaders and solution providers. Engaging this approach, the University has been able to raise leaders in the area of supervision, management and control of interests in landed property through education, training and research with total commitment to marketability, truthfulness, entrepreneurship and fear of God.
This has been achieved through the inculcation of the seven Core Values of Covenant University in the students, thus enhancing the development of leadership qualities in the graduates.
The vision of the Department is born from the vision of the University which is to be a leading World-Class Christian Mission University, committed to raising a new generation of leading technocrats in all fields of real estate practice. The vision of the Department is to be a leading, world-class academic Department committed to raising a new generation of leaders in the field of real estate in all areas of practice, teaching and research.
The Mission of the Department of Estate Management is to become the leading hub for empowering practitioners of real estate with cutting-edge skills via the creation of requisite knowledge and development of human capacity in all areas of practice, teaching and research in real estate such that products of the department are adequately equipped to compete with counterparts around the globe and provide world class services wherever and whenever they are called upon. By so doing the dignity of the black race will be restored through the development of the Total Man, employing innovative, leading-edge, teaching and learning methods while also applying research that promotes integrated, life transforming values through science, technology and human capacity building.
The Philosophy of the Department of Estate Management is drawn from the University’s philosophy which is a total departure from the norm in the landscape of real estate education in Nigeria. The philosophy of the Department is therefore hinged on the principle of raising graduates who will eventually become employers of labour in the real estate sector of the economy. The Programme is therefore designed to produce graduates who can serve as supervisors, managers and control interests in landed property through sound education, training and research with a total commitment to marketability, truthfulness, entrepreneurship all in the fear of God.
The objectives of the Estate Management programme are to:
- Train students to acquire skills in the constituent disciplines of Property Valuation, Property Development, Property Finance, Property Marketing, Property and Facility Management and Maintenance, Land and Land Resources Management. In order to support this specialization, students go through courses in Building Construction, Town Planning, Land Law, Economics, Land Economics, Land Surveying and Land Policy;
- Equip students with cutting-edge and up-to-date analytical techniques in tackling complex economic, political and administrative questions on land use, development, and management as well as other issues facing the contemporary Nigerian built environment;
iii. Introduce students to new dimensions of self-reliance through two University wide courses, namely, Entrepreneurial Development Studies (EDS) and Total Man Concept (TMC). These would make the graduates job creators rather than job seekers and leaders fit spiritually, mentally balanced, emotionally stable and physically sound;
- produce graduates who are well suited for employment in the modern world through explicit emphasis on the interactions of the private and public sectors and;
- infuse students of the Department with the seven Core Values of Covenant University: Spirituality, Integrity, Possibility Mentality, Responsibility, Diligence, Sacrifice and Capacity Building so as to equip the students with leadership qualities